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& Resources

Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury

Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

Any donations are greatly appreciated. 


Donations can be such as volunteers, helping with managing the website, non perishable food, clothes that are gently used. If you would like to make a cash donation please click on the MORE button and click on Venmo.  


We here at TBI Survivors can't thank you enough for the continued support that you bring to the table.  We are able to dedicate our lives by helping rebuild TBI survivors life's through your continued donations and support. 







Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can significantly affect many cognitive, physical, and psychological skills. Physical deficit can include ambulation, balance, coordination, fine motor skills, strength, and endurance. Cognitive deficits of language and communication, information processing, memory, and perceptual skills are common. Psychological status is also often altered. Adjustment to disability issues are frequently encountered by people with TBI.

Learning Deficits
Support Groups

Here at TBI Survivors we want to offer support groups for all different age groups, male groups, female groups, mixed groups and more.  We believe it is one of the key components in the recovery process.

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